Showing Up

Des Linden  won the Boston Marathon last year and below is a link to a podcast she did with Rich Roll (the source as well for an inspirational video about the Iron Cowboy – man who did 50 ironmans in 50 days in 50 states (but that’s another story)….

The main and significant takeaway I got was the message that you need to SHOW UP.  This means you need to show up and workout on days you want to stay in bed, or are tired, or whatever.  Turning working out into habit and a priority is something I am focused on.  It can’t be trying to fit in 3 days of workouts where you can always say, I’ll skip today but do tomorrow.  Just do it. everyday. (using rest days for mobility/walking and active recovery not couch sitting) and make it something you enjoy.  Ben Bergeron also talks about this a lot in his podcast Chasing Excellence.

Last Wednesday, at 9pm, when I went for a 3 mile run after crossfit workout, all I could hear were the words “Show up” as I literally froze the first 1/2 mile on an isolated road all by myself putting in the time and thinking of Des Linden.

Clean eating, honest reporting and en route to Badass



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