Squat Fail

It started with me peeing my pants during a jump rope warmup – a few times despite repeated trips (had written “runs” but that just didn’t seem right) to the bathroom.  A few years ago during some squat workout, a friend around my age was laughing about how squats always made her pee her pants and I was so happy that I was not alone.  For middle age women and apparently sometimes for those younger who had kids, this is an issue we deal with.  I live in fear of heavy squats for this reason.

I did a squat/bench strength retest yesterday and failed at finding a max at both.  In squat, the main reason was my lower back hurt and I felt very unstable so stopped. Am I living in fear or is it a valid reason?  I will do 400 air squats anytime and put in longer term work so I’m thinking its not that I’m mentally weak.  Darn that Goggins for now planting a seed (perhaps unintentionally) that anytime I don’t almost kill myself like he does that I am not pushing hard enough…..

In bench, I did more than I ever have 3@105 lbs but started to feel a torque on the recovering shoulder so stopped there.  Then the WOD was 5x 9 burpees over bar/6 cleans/3 presses for 3 min each with 1 min rest.  Also a decently harsh workout for the shoulder so I did with 55 lbs and smoked the burpees!  This was an eye opener that I am not 100% back quite yet.  Got home and did 75 min on the bike trainer to do a bike retest – was pretty tired even during the warmup but did the work.

Another day today – am trying to leave work “early” around 3pm so I can do my run test before scuba class and be in bed by 10pm.

Honest reporting, clean eating and doing the work,



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