Recovery, Menopause Amidst Corona

This is day 86 since I was last in work.  We went on vacation in the Philippines and then I was quarantined when I returned and then right as I was about to go back, the entire company was sent home.  Every Friday night we ask each other what we want to do and answer “Stay In!”  I am having issues wearing bras now (so uncomfortable) and accidentally putting my clothes on inside out:

We roll out of bed already in our work clothes and go to it!  All the deliverers (fedex, usps, ups, etc) are crazy busy with home deliveries so things take longer, also as the companies may not be up and running you order from online.

I follow Andrew Cuomo, Governor of NY, as he has united a block of states on the east coast (unfortunately not NH as our republican senator chooses to go alone) to have an orderly, and scientific reopening plan.  He does daily updates with facts and real data vs. the joke of a President, who uses his daily updates for propaganda, lies and to promote himself and the “good job” the Federal Government has done (not).  Tests are not available, there is no formal guidance to the states, the states haven’t been funded, moneys have gone to big businesses, unemployment process is overwhelmed with over 20% of the population applying, and no support with coordination of supply chain for critical PPE or tests.

I used to go to the grocery, Market Basket, early on the weekend and would be practically alone in there.  Now I get up at 6:30 and get there around 6:50 to already find this line, socially distanced at 6′ between each, waiting to get in after the 6-7am early opening for elderly (of which I am almost one!).  I find:

  • Only a certain number allowed in store so someone counts people going in and coming out – only one entrance allowed for this to be possible.
  • Meat limited to 2 of each type/customer as meat plants are shutting down all over the country due to COVID – close proximity of the workers has spread it fast.  Trump ordered them all open this week without requiring employers to follow safer working practices as dictated by the CDC – do your job and possibly die or don’t do it and get fired.
  • Market Basket has their deli/fish counters open.  Hannaford does not.
  • Plenty of empty space on shelves as everyone appears to be buying toilet paper, sanitary wipes, any fast food meals like Ramen noodles, yeast not to be found anywhere (I ordered a 2lb bag online), pasta, soups.  Plenty of healthy food though like vegetables and grains!
  • Everyone at MB wearing masks but Hannafords was a free for all with noone monitoring number of people in the store and many without masks.  Hannafords did have food that MB did not like popcorn, peanuts, more meat.
  • Reusable bags not allowed.  I bring a wipe to clean the cart handle before and after I use it.

After my shoulder surgery was delayed, I decided to go all in and work out like crazy, which then almost broke me.  I was so rickety I could barely walk in the evenings.  Not sure why – in March, when I was in NC I had a glass of wine, which I swear threw me into hot flash hell.  One an hour, which makes my sleep crap.  That, combined with perhaps unacknowledged stress of the 24/7 bad news, has taken its toll.  We geared back the workouts (also because all races seem to be cancelled this year) into maintenance and I am trying to improve sleep (Tylenol PMs working well last two days) and do some meditation during the day.

Love the drama of running the trails – did a 65″ workout in the Hollis trails last weekend starting from the North Cemetary and running to trails across from Silver Lake for a short loop and going back:

I have my buff to cover my face when passing others….

Since working out less with weights and just trying to feel good every day, I have had a few good runs where I don’t feel tired all the time.  Hard to untangle if it is age, overtraining, general stress or this menopause!



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